Here is the problem...it's a wedding, we need a gift. I generally pick out the gifts for these occasions, usually one of my siblings as the last wedding in his family was in 1998, just a year after we were married. I think our gift to them was just being there, that was hard enough at the time.
With my own siblings I tend to be generous, I am the oldest and I remember how hard it was starting out. We can afford to give a nice gift. Also I don't believe in giving money, my reasoning is that although it helps out in the short run, it not a gift that brings to mind the giver. With my own wedding gifts I remember who gave me what, mostly, but I couldn't tell you who gave us money (sadly).
That being said I looked at the registries and a lot of the stuff has already been bought. There are 2 big items left one of them, a Dyson vacuum cleaner, is something I won't consider. The other is a gas grill which we would have to have someone actually go to the store and buy for us as who wants to pay shipping for something like that.
My mom will be contributing a little money as he has always been especially generous and nice when she has come to stay with us (she usually comes at Christmas and my in laws always buy her gifts). He himself has always given us very nice gifts for holidays/birthdays etc...
So I brought this up to CW he thinks our presence is enough. He doesn't want to buy a gift. He feels like he didn't buy anything for his other brother back in 1998 so why buy something for this one. I feel like we were in a different situation back then and now that we are able to contribute a gift we should and it should be something good.
What have you done or would you do?
CW is wrong, wrong wrong. ;-) Although, I like him!
You need to get something. You dont need to get something on the registry. Just go to a fun store like Golightly's, or something, and get something unique. A nice clock, or something. Something that they will need, but that is nice and unique.
Sorry, you HAVE to give a gift, even if it is small, but it shouldn't be. I don't remember who gave me what gift or money, but I DO remember who didn't give me a gift! They will know. Just give them one to keep good feelings.
PS, I've always loved the really nice beach towels and a cooler I was given for our wedding 12 years ago. We still use both! Fun theme gift
I think you should give a gift. I agree with Rochelle, it doesn't have to be from the registry. Go for unique or functional. I loved the gifts I could use everyday.
Yep... ditto to what the other girls have said. Theme gifts are fun or just a sweet little something.
(my husband {whose love language is not gift giving or receiving which has been a source of stress in our marriage} would probably just give cash if I insisted on a gift... when we were first married, that was very useful too.)
You definitely have to give a gift. Some fun home decor stuff would be nice and something newlyweds don't generally splurge on. Whatever you decide, definitely give something.
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