It took me less than an hour to get there and I didn't even take the toll road. We got in and it turns out that Alex is an inch to tall to go into small land. They wouldn't make an exception. I tried to be understanding and left Lily to play by her self. They gave him a scavenger hunt to do as we walked through the store. So we did that together as we looked for our Klippan couch cover.

We got down to the self serve part and started throwing stuff in the cart. Ed pooped and of course I had no diapers so I was trying to hurry and get out of that section because I know they have diapers in the upstairs family bathroom. I am running and I finally find the right couch cover and my pager goes off to pick up Lily. Of course I am at the register and she is on the right around the corner but the lines are huge so I grab stinky Ed and leave the cart to go and get her. I decide hey I am already off course so may as well go change the little stinker. We make it through that but can't find a way back to the cart except to got through the self serve part again, where for some unknown reason they have blocked off all the shortcuts, how dare they. So of course I pick up more stuff in my newly acquired cart (I guess eliminating the shortcuts makes people buy more.)
I make it up to the register and everything gets rung up. I pull out my wallet and what NO WALLET, I keep repeating to my self, where's my wallet, my wallet is gone, no wallet. I am sure the cashier thinks I am talking to him so he clears his throat. I ask if he can take a check without ID, he says no. I ask if he can hold my stuff so I can go check in the car. OK. Out to the car we go, the kids chanting "mommy why are we leaving the couch cover?" and "why did we come here?" "shush kids" I tell them in my newly adopted quite voice, I haven't yelled yet today but am getting close. FRUSTRATION is mounting. There is my wallet on the console in the car. How did that happen? Back into the store but can't get back to the register. AAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHH, finally find an isle that only has one line so we aren't stepping on people going in the other direction. Back to the register to check out after ringing everything up again, the clerk looks at me and says "WALLET", "YEP, WALLET" I answer back.
We go to the snack bar on the way out for Alex's prize for completing the scavenger hunt. I get Lily a frozen yogurt and Ed a hot dog bun, every child is happy. We start our drive home, as we are leaving the parking lot and Lily says "I want to go home" which is actually code for "I have to pee". I tell her we are going home now does she want to stop and pee, no of course not. We get through Lewisville and Lily says "I want to go potty at home", of course traffic is stopped, (sound familiar Rochelle?)I tell her to bounce, so she bounces until I miss the exit for the 114 and am on Southlake BLVD. I ask if she wants to stop and a potty here, she says no, we stop anyway, she is screaming bloody murder that she wants to "go potty at home". I put her back in the car. I drive. She is crying again, saying she wants to pee on the ground. I pull over in the next parking lot, it's a dentist or something. It also pouring rain, I get her out pull her pants down and pick her legs up showing all she's got to everyone driving down Southlake BLVD. She pees, "All better mommy she says" I am soaked, I hope it's not pee, smells ok. We get home and change...What a day.
Here I am, alone again tonight, CW working late for the 2nd night in a row and likely to be the rest of the week as he gets ready for his launch on Monday. I LOVE the man, but I am spoiled, he hardly ever works late, I am used to him being home by 6:30 or 7pm. It's hard when he isn't here. I think the rain is affecting my mood. I can't stand too many days inside....not supposed to let up until next week.
Again What A Day.
1 comment:
I shouldn't laugh at your pain, but Oh my gosh that was funny. I have SO been there done that. To ALL of it.
When we went to Ikea, they were full in the playland, so they didn't take ANY of our kids.
I was glad to get out of there.
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