We have lived in this ward going on 2 years in October. If you don't already know our oldest son Alex has Asperger's Syndrome, this is a form of high functioning autism. Needless to say he can be a handful. He is however a truly loving, funny, happy boy. When we first came we sat down with the bishop and explained our situation. We need help. If one of us needs to be with him call us to teach his primary class. No no, don't worry we will have an extra body in the class someone just for him. However as I just found out today, with the change of regimes, comes problems. I realize that most if not all of this is my fault. I CHOSE to be blissfully unaware of any problem, I didn't not check up or check in, I figured if he started to be a problem they would warn me. Today was not a warning it was a bombshell.

My Big Boy Alex
So for the 2nd week in a row I was called into primary. Last week I didn't know what the problem was, but CW had the baby and so I figured I could sit with him. I missed the closing song in RS (I am the chorister) but no big deal what is one week. Today was different. CW is out of town, so I am there on my own. I have Ed with me in RS, he is terribly tired and of course being 13 months old he cannot go to the nursery yet. So I lead the opening hymn and then take Ed out to the mother's room to rock him to sleep, he goes down, this lasted about 5 seconds as someone from the primary presidency comes in and says they need me to sit with Alex. He is out wandering the halls and doesn't want to go back in. He tells me he is bored and cannot sit inside anymore. He needs something to do. I *force* him to go back inside and sit. They are having sharing time and the kids are going up front to make butter (hey it's pioneer season right). He goes up and hangs out up in the front as classes rotate in and out having their turn to make butter. OK he's not bored anymore. I sit till the end, he is giving the scripture anyway, so he was excited to have me come in and hear him. He runs to the back and tells me how happy he is (all during the next boy's talk). I can see he is clearly disruptive. So why wasn't I told before that is was this out of control?
I talk to the primary president and ask if this was going to keep happening, she says she needs me in there every week. I tell her I have a calling, I know it's not a big calling but it's my calling and it happens to be only the last hour. She asks what *I* want her to do, she is the primary president and she or her counselors cannot always be taking care of him, she has to do her calling to. I told her about the arrangements we made with the bishop. She let me know that that no longer exists and further more she never knew anything about it. I am irritated and frustrated and taking it out on her. I feel badly now but in the heat of the moment I let it all out. She asks her counselor who was in the previous primary presidency if this was the case, the counselor says that last year there were 2 men in the class so there was always an extra hand but this year it is a husband/wife team and while the husband is the teacher, the wife has never been called to any primary position and is only in the class because of the new rules, so technically she isn't even in primary the 2nd hour plus when she can be there she has a young child (he is nursery age but doesn't like nursery)so she can't be the one "taking care" of him either. I tell her ok I will take it up with the bishop. I walk down the hall to find him and explain the problem. He is impatient with me, I know he can't help it, he's a busy man, it's Sunday. He tells me he will look into it.
So on the way home. I am pondering all of this. Asking myself what can I do about this. The only real viable solution is that one of us (and by one of us I mean me as CW has never really been able to teach a primary class, he gets just as bored as Alex, plus he doesn't sing, so Sharing time is no fun) teach his class. I am sorry but I won't be an unofficial babysitter, even to my own child. Give me a calling, make it official, give me the rights and responsibilities of a teacher and I am there. Maybe I am being unreasonable. I am his mother after all, but what is the purpose of primary if your child is different? Is there no room in Christ's teachings for my boy? Is the only place for him next to me? And what happens in 2 years when primary is over for him? He has been baptised and has the responsibility of that now. We can't just decide to stop coming although today I want to. I am completely at a loss.
wrong, wrong, wrong.
I am so sorry that you are dealing with all of that and while your husband is out of town as well.
I was great to chat on the phone. You are a good person. I am happy we are friends. :)
Hi there-
Found your blog by way of katri's (by way of Laurie's)...anyway- I have a child with autism (not HFA) and church has always been quite a trial for us. Never in a million years did I think church would be a trial- at least not in the way it is. We find ourselves dealing with exactly what you wrote about. It's soooo tough. I wrote about it on my blog here-
http://adventureswiththeprovosts.blogspot.com/2007/07/tackling-church-with-my-sweet-boy.html and there is an article here: http://www.ldsmag.com/journey/070702church.html
If this comment has one point to it- you're not alone.
I hope it goes better for you next week. ;)
First, let me say that the PP is a tough woman to deal with if you ever go up against her. I'm glad you stood your ground.
The bishop is really stressed these days, but I also know that this is a priority for him and I really do think he will work it out.
The presidency's responsibility for Alex is just as important as for all the kids. It is in hte manual that they HAVE to cater to the special needs children of the ward. She will have to do this, like it or not.
I know you are his mom, but it is still not your responsiblity to sit with Alex. It is his teacher's. If they can't do it, they need to call someone new.
Thanks for the great comments and advice ladies. :) It is very much appreciated. Mique, it looks like that you are in Santa Clarita CA? We moved from Simi Valley 2 years ago, we got really good support from the schools there...
I happened to see your blog while looking for pictures for teaching a Primary song... And when I saw your post, it made my heart so heavy... because I'm in the Primary presidency right now (2c) and we have a mother who is upset with us. Her son is busy, and I swear to you we are so kind to him--I love him with my whole heart! She said that we have been verbally abusive to him.
I absolutely feel that your boy should be fine in Primary. We have some kids with ADHD, with mild autism, and we gently herd them back in. If they have an extra teacher called in his class, why isn't that teacher shepherding him instead of the Primary president?? That's my question. And that's what I would say to your president. They would never ask another mother to sit in with their child every week, and what makes you different?
Going back to our presidency's dilemma, I have to say that I'm so happy that you're willing to talk about the things that are upsetting. When a presidency feels that their hands are tied, and that they are filling their callings to the best of their ability (and I think your pres. clearly feels that this is beyond her capacity), then I think it's fair to ask the parents to help solve the issue.
I hope you find a way to resolve everything peacefully! I'm praying my hardest for our family, to know what I can do to be a better leader for him. I hope your pres. is doing the same!
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