Wednesday, October 3, 2007

10 years ago today...

As I left the house I found a note on the door thanking me for everything I do for our family (at this point it was just us). CW was still in bed after a late night. I had a fairly early doctor's appointment. The clinic, located at St. Mark's in Salt Lake City, was full and it took about an hour for me to go in to see the doctor. She checked me and said I was dialated to 5 cm and that I should go straight up to labor and delivery. I was pretty freaked out but realized that CW would have no way to get to me as we only had one car and not much in the way of friends. The gave me half an hour to go and get him and just to make their point threatened to send an ambulance if I wasn't back. Being my first baby I didn't know better. We arrived back at the hospital at exactly noon. The doctor came and broke my water and gave me some demerol. She can back and forth checking on me and at 5pm was surprised when I hadn't delivered. I was ok for a couple of hours until I started vomiting. I got scared at that point because the pain was pretty bad so I ask for an epidural. It took a little while for the doctor to come but they got it in I felt much better and actually slept for a little bit after that. The hospital was pretty busy that evening with 7 other women delivering from the same clinic and only one doctor on call. We were lucky to have a nurse midwife with us the entire time. She commented that conference weekend was always very busy (it was the Friday of Conference weekend) I had a little bit of a problem pushing at first because I couldn't feel anything, I pushed for about an hour. Alexander Calderwood Speer was born at 8:41pm. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was a whopping 23 inches long.

So wanted to put pictures in of Alex at 10min, 10days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 5 years, 10 years... but nothing works (darn Vista), can't get the scanner to work or the card reader... bah.

Not Alex, Elijah Bate born 10/03/07

And another thing, my baby sis had her baby today so that means the oldest and the youngest grandchildren are 10 years apart to the day. She named him Elijah Bate (my little bro is Bate btw, see previous pic he is the shorter one)


Julianne said...

Neat post! Happy 10th birthday, Alex!

Rochelleht said...

OH! I was gonna say! That baby didn't look as big as you described Alex as being! :-)

What a sweet post. Can you believe how fast 10 years can fly by? It's pretty crazy!

Katrina said...

Happy 10th, Alex! I love reminiscing about their births! It's my favorite thing to do on their birthdays.