Tuesday, August 7, 2007


So yes, I am a book reading fiend. I can't help myself sometimes. I have read 5 books since Aug 1st and am working on my 6th and 7th.

The new Stephanie Meyers book Eclipse came out today, I went a picked it up. Unfortunately I couldn't stop thinking about it and started to read as we sat at stop lights on the way home, we got here about 4:30pm. I am 3/4 of the way done.

I did clean up today and make dinner (kinda, grilled cheese and soup) and put the kids to bed. It is almost 10pm. I think I can finish before I go to bed. Hehe.

Ah Bliss...(which oddly enough happens to be the name of a vampire I was reading about earlier)


Rochelleht said...

So, I take it you'll be done before you come visiting teaching today? Tee hee!

Julianne said...

I'm jealous. ;) There's no way I'm dragging all the kids to the bookstore so I ordered it from bn.com and they now have free shipping and it will be here by Fri. That made me happy. I guess I know what I'll be doing Friday night...

Jenni said...

you got it :) See ya soon.

Michelle said...

Can't wait to get mine. All the YW have been on a reading frenzy since the book came out. It was so fun listening to them talking about it last night at mutual.

Anonymous said...

From the comment you made on Katri's blog I gather that you prefer Jacob. Is that right?